Thursday, October 12, 2006

my proudest moment

recently, a reader stumbled on my blog by searching google blogs for "toronto chefs."

some notes regarding this:

first, this person hates me. some highlights from the comment he left (since deleted):
"none of these chefs give a damn about you... they make small talk so you will go away" ouch!
"entitlement disease, that's what i call it" zing!
"it is obvious that you are the last person to tell susur anything" zing?
"you actually got to speak and e-mail these are special...get a life" way to smoke me with the elipses!
"you are in med school...get your nose in a book and leave the real cooking to the chefs" maybe I will go read susur's biography. can you handle it?

second, a big hello to my mystery reader. I am glad you found my blog so stimulating.

finally, a google blogs search for "toronto chefs" produces my blog as the first hit. THE FIRST HIT. WHO IS SECOND? JAMES CHATTO. I AM AHEAD OF JAMES CHATTO. I NEED BIGGER CAPITAL LETTERS. I BEAT JAMES CHATTO IN A MATCHUP ON TORONTO CHEFS. woeaifj9ewklmce I am too excited to type.


Anonymous said...

Is it safe to have this blog? I am a bit worried that someone may stalk you or something.

Anonymous said...

Dear Simon

That poster sounds deranged - and possibly jealous. I for one have been a fan of your blog since day one. Just ignore him/her!!!


Anonymous said...

look simon, i'm really sorry that things have gotten so out of hand. i was mad the other night after you gave me no sympathy for my wound. i apologize for posting those harsh wards, especially under the shield of anonymity. i should never have attacked your love of food. i was just angry about that blasted chef's knife.

100 apologies.

love, mila

simon said...

okay you all seem to be missing the most important point: I trumped james chatto in a battle of the blogs.