Saturday, October 14, 2006

medical terminology

I just read in my notes about sick sinus syndrome. it was mentioned that it is frequently abbreviated to 'sss'.

I wonder if people ever pronounce it like a snake hissing. because that is just one syllable. in fact I do not know if it is even a full syllable. either way, it is a lot shorter than 'ess ess ess'. you might as well say the whole thing if you are going to waste time with all those esses.


Anonymous said...

sssssimon, if you were to pronounce sss as you suggest, everyone will think that you are a parselmouth.

simon said...

okay, clearly I am in gryffindor, so that would not be an issue.

for instance, if you had a sick sinus, I would just hiss at you. imagine the time saved.

simon said...

how foolish of me. in my haste to post, I carelessly implied that by being a parselmouth, one must automatically be in slytherin. but of course this is not true, for the relation between slytherin and parseltongue is but a strong correlation - there is no requirement that one follow the other at all. a proof by counterexample would not have very far to look: harry potter is, after all, perhaps the most famous parselmouth of our time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ah, but harry is a parselmouth because his scar creates a connection with voldemort, who is in fact a slytherin. harry is a parselmouth only due to the transfer of voldemort's abilities, so it doesn't really count.

Anonymous said...

although it is possible that dumbledore can at least understand parseltongue (in the latest book he translates something from parseltongue, though this does not necessary make him a parselmouth).

Anonymous said...

It is ironic that you know so much about Harry Potter. Remember how you refused to read it as it was too "hyped" and I had to offer to pay you $5 if you didn't like the first book. Needless to say, I didn't have to pay you the $5! No to say you weren't a great reader (you loved to read), it is just that you didn't want to buy into the Harry Potter mania!

Unknown said...

Pronouncing it as a hiss could lead to confusion with Sjogren's syndrome, which can be abbreviated to 'SS'!

badri said...

If you are a parselmouth, then you must have a forked tongue. And clearly you like forks.

Anonymous said...

simon, i cannot believe that you initially refused to read hp because of the hype and then made fun of me for doing the same. what a hypocrite!

Luke said...

I think I actually have sick sinus syndrome...

simon said...

hello what in blazes is swami's 80th birthday?

and rachel, I hear what you are saying. we will have to discuss this further at another time.

julian, clearly SS is a shorter hiss than SSS.

finally, luke, I believe what you have is actually referred to by a term that begins with h and ends with ypochondriac. I like to abbreviate that one by rapidly blowing out through an open mouth, as though one were steaming one's glasses to clean them.