Friday, August 25, 2006

processed fromage

we were at the grocery store a few weeks ago and I tried to put some of those kraft singles in the cart. but mila was all up in my face like hold up, I do not want any of that processed cheese in our home. something about it being lowbrow or something.

now do not get me wrong. I very much turn my nose up at cheez whiz, cool whip, et al. I have no tolerance for most processed foods. ideally my cheese would come with a picture of the cow that produced it, and my whipped cream should be in liquid 35% format so that I may do a shot or two of the white stuff before I whip it.

but on burgers I do not think there is a substitute for kraft singles. there is a block of 5 year raw milk cheddar in the fridge? nope, pass me the kraft. single origin artisanal emmental? I will still take the modified milk product, please. maybe I should call boulud, mcewan and their gourmet burger brethren and give them the heads up. brie de meaux has nothing on kraft singles.

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