Tuesday, July 25, 2006

google give me some respect

so I never google myself or anything like that but sometimes by accident I make a typo and write exquisite vanity in the google search box then I accidentally click search. and what do I get? fine bathroom sinks. first off, who searches for bathroom sinks by typing 'exquisite vanity'? nobody does, google. so, google, you should probably fix things up so that my blog is first. second, if someone does search for bathroom sinks that way, they are my linguistic hero and I would like them to read my blog anyway.


Anonymous said...

Hearing that phrase for the first time, I actually thought of fine bathroom sinks, i.e. "What an exquisite vanity!" I think it is because I have been staring at bathroom sinks for the past six months, so I use the word "vanity" in the context of bathrooms much more frequently these days than in the context of narcissism.

Anonymous said...

maemu, i am such a fan i had to post a comment on your livejournal in the middle of a cancer clinic, right in front of my boss for the day, because my home IP wasn't being accepted.
i need help.

simon said...

speaking of architects, I drew some serious plans in solidworks. serious business here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what solidworks is. Why were you drawing plans? of what?

and mila, I hope your job for the day wasn't in jeopardy for the day. I will have to check my lj settings to see why you can't post.

simon said...

solidworks is a cad program. I am fairly sure it is pretty professional. I was drawing plans for kind of an arm rest for my job.