Tuesday, June 13, 2006

okay where did I leave my application for law school

dear law school admission committee, please see the following post. if I naturally like to talk evidence and courtroom style I guess that is just how my brain works. I guess I watch judge judy sometimes, no biggie, I like to immerse myself in law whenever I can.

exhibit 1: week in stratford, breakfast at 7 am
exhibit 2: simon’s summer job, inaugural meeting at 7 am

I hope that this kickoff meeting is not indicative of some sort of general trend this summer. or in this field of work. I kind of cannot work that early. do you get paid automatic overtime or something if you have to be at work that early everyday or something? because I guess if they paid me enough I might be able to skip my morning internet browse, or maybe take my second morning coffee to go. but that is really not ideal, so I think we would have to be talking big $$$ overtime. ipso facto, right honourable justice thank you gavel legal robes.


simon said...

i am glad you are stealing the computer from me for such important things.

Anonymous said...

woops, that was me, not you.

Anonymous said...

You really should pick up and make your way to the laid back East Coast- I get to roll in no earlier than 8:30- none of that Ontario-style 7 am stuff!

simon said...

8:30 is still a shade on the early side. maybe I will become a bouncer or something, they start work late.

Anonymous said...

especially with your buff physique.