Monday, September 07, 2009

sorry blog, have been busy

one of those things I have been busy doing is eating jos louises because MILA LET ME BUY A BOX OF JOS LOUIS. I do not quite know what was wrong with her. she was obviously not completely out of her mind, however, as she only permitted me the half-moon jos louis. THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS BUT ONLY HALF AS DELICIOUS AS A FULL JOS LOUIS WOULD BE.


Mom said...

She just wants to make sure that you will fit in your wedding suit!

Aldous said...

What are you, 9?

simon said...

mom, do not talk to me about my wedding suit. I think we all know that is a sore spot at present.

aldous, are you jealous? sounds like it. do they have jos louis in america?

Bronwen said...

I am jealous. we were never allowed jos. louis in our lunch. ever. instead we had weird syrian apricot paste and health food store granola bars and salami sandwiches on whole grain rye bread. not that i am bitter. and yes, aldous, I am also 9.

simon said...

tell me about it! I NEVER got sweet stuff like that. sodalicious? passion flake? fruit rollups? I wish. actually that is a lie, sometimes I got sodalicious for some reason, not really sure why. temporary lapse in parental standards, I guess.

Anonymom said...

I thought the sodalicious had fruit juice in it so bought it sometimes - and actually I did buy fruit roll ups too sometimes - also these fruit things you could get in the produce section (again the fact that they had "fruit" in the name made them sound virtuous. But I do agree that you had no joe louis or things like that.