Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a singular shopping experience

first, our local loblaws is no longer actually a loblaws. it is now "loblaw greatfood," which apparently means they charge more for milk and no longer carry brown sugar, but rather only yellow sugar. WHAT KIND OF GROCERY STORY DOES NOT CARRY BROWN SUGAR? on further research the canadian sugar institute tells me that yellow sugar is simply a form of brown sugar, nevertheless I remain dubious of this sugar and disappointed in this new loblaw.

second, our loblaw now carries joe fresh. nestled in among the rows and rows of women's and children's clothing is a embarrassingly modest men's nook. as meager as the men's selection is, though, they do carry a broad range of long johns. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME BEFORE HOW GREAT LONG JOHNS ARE? I AM WEARING THEM RIGHT NOW AND AM IMPERVIOUS TO COLD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter is also in love with these hidden sources of comfort. If it weren't for my hiding them I'm sure he'd wear them year round.