Monday, May 07, 2007

I trust you

a few minutes ago, I had never heard of chef kent van dyk. but I just saw his profile on chefdb and suddenly I have an intense urge to attend some catered events. see, chef van dyk apparently runs "trust me catering" in this fair city of london. questionable corporate name aside, this guy has done time at le bernardin, the french laundry, eigensinn farm, susur, and the fat duck. I am getting woozy from all the michelin stars (actual and would-be. and american. SNAP!) flying around in that past sentence. surely there is no chef in london with a more impeccable pedigree than this. I need to find this guy. I WILL EAT YOUR FOOD AND WE CAN CHAT ABOUT ERIC AND THOMAS AND MICHAEL AND HESTON AND WE CAN CRACK JOKES ABOUT SUSUR AND HIS BMW.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he can cater your next wine night. just increase the fees to 15 dollars and that should do it.

simon said...

okay thanks mom