Thursday, May 31, 2007

carb miracle

it is like jesus was just here and made bread out of fish, or whatever it is he does. I was certain we were completely out of carbs (other than some lemon cream cookies, but I had already had a lot today and needed some variety) but then I found a box of onion and rosemary crackers in the cupboard. I am sure they were not there before because I would have eaten them.


Anonymous said...

All this talk about food is very interesting and all, but I have a very serious question to ask the fashion guru (yes I know, completely and utterly off topic, but this can't wait for a relevant posting). There is something I find quite disconcerting and was hoping to garner your thoughts on the matter.

Plaid. Yes plaid.

Is there something I'm not seeing here? How is it that this horrid pattern (which, in my humble opinion, is best left to picnic tables, jam jars and granny's skirts) somehow sneaking onto store shelves across the country. Has a long-lost sunken freighter of late 80's textiles been found off the coast of mexico by GAP's treasure-hunting offshoot? Has grandpa somehow gained controling shares of Mexx? Or do people honestly not see what they are wearing?

At first I thought it was a fluke. I saw a single shirt relegated to a back corner shelf - unassuming at best. I laughed it off as someone's idea of a sick joke. But as the months progressed, more and more made their grotesque appearances in one store after the next. This culminated with the most emesis-evoking and horrid of fashion's creations - the plaid shorts. Oh god help us if these really catch on.

OK, I'll admit, as you probably will: Most commoners don't know the difference between a charmeuse and chenille, but honestly, can people not see what is obviously the bastard child of the ugly-loom and a colour-blind dye processor? I am distraught. Thoughts?


simon said...

EFAN who are you!?

I am afraid you are not going to find a tremendous amount of support for your anti-plaid crusade here. after all, is seems only a few weeks ago that I was wishing for a pair of madras plaid shorts. arch nemesis, indeed!

I agree that the heavy flannel plaid of the early 90s is something best left there, but surely you have room in your closet for some of today's friendlier, lighter, modern plaid?