Wednesday, April 18, 2007

long distance update

at the moment, I believe I am finally free from the deathhold of primus. all of my telecommunications are now safely with bell. I am sure primus will continue to send bills for a while, but that is okay, I have been missing our daily telephone chats, so the erroneous bills will at least give me an excuse to phone swapnil and catch up.

for a few days, however, we were in a no-mans land of long distance. the end result was that we were required to place all our calls using the operator. now you may think this sounds old-fashioned and quaint, but let me tell you, long distance operators today clearly have something better to do with their time than place long distance calls. such franco-canadian surliness like I have never heard before! usually they would yell at me for not dialing the number myself, though sometimes I was spared their ire and they would just disconnect me (sir, you dial one plus your number, you are not requiring operator for this call. goodbye.) thanks bell!


Anonymous said...

Whew. Now that your daily/hourly chats with Primus and Bell have come to an end, perhaps you will have time to study!

simon said...

last post you were telling me to sleep more. now you are telling me to study more. now I won't know what to do!