Tuesday, April 17, 2007

business casual

as I was ironing a shirt last night, two thoughts came to mind:

first, my blue checked shirt really requires a good starching on the cuffs. I must say that I felt rather lackluster today with my somewhat flaccid french cuffs.

second, no matter how much spray starch one uses, a casual H&M button-up with mesh panels does not somehow turn into a business blouse. I feel mila was suffering from this misconception when she packed her suitcase for her medical school interview. rectifying this matter required several hours in what is surely the most desolate mall in southwestern ontario. in future, perhaps a quick screening of mila's suitcase for cans of easy-on starch would be in order.


Anonymous said...

how could i have possibly thought that starch would get me into med school? i guess in the end it's what was, or should i say wasn't, under the shirt that counts!!!

Luke said...

I was worried for a brief second that Mila was off to transfer to a different southern Ontario medical school...can anyone say Brock Med?
Oh wait...no...they can't.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to something that happened two years ago in the same breath as something that happened yesterday? I am confused. Perhaps you should sleep more and blog less and then your thoughts won't wander so much.

Anonymous said...

First, Mila, how did you get Simon to iron your shirts. Two, what's this about medical school interviews--you mean, you have not been in med school these last two years--who have I been sending to medical school and what have you been doing? And, third, I think the strip has gone to your head. No raising your mesh shirt any more, please.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, are you mummy?

also, simon will iron my clothes if, and only if, it is an emergency.

finally, the strip has not gone to my head. i have always known that i am hot stuff.

Anonymous said...

I do hope they have taught you in med school that "hot stuff" comes from the mummy gene.