Tuesday, March 06, 2007

my honour has been besmirched

since it was getting tedious copy-pasting my blog into an email message every time a publisher came calling, I started storing my blog in microsoft word. well, microsoft word just told me that I now have too many spelling mistakes. it can no longer stand to spell check my document. whatever, microsoft word, I do not even care that much. spelling is highly overrated. surely spelling is the lowest rung in the hierarchy of language - nothing but rote memorization. the white zin of the english world, if you will. the light margarine, the grade c foie, the classical guitar, the trivial, the banal, the mundane. surely the mind is better fed with cheese blogs and food forums. a rowdy discussion on the merits of grosgrain trim on your dinner jacket is undoubtedly more important than the number of m's in comedy. honestly, I have better things to do than figure out which vowels belong in definitely.

p.s. book publishers do not worry I will spell check.


Anonymous said...

Why are you insulting the classical guitar? I think that it is very nice.

simon said...

well, at least the classic guitar is a step above the saxophone stylings of kenny g. barely.

Anonymous said...

oh god. now i have that stupid kenny g song stuck in my head. thanks simon.

dun dunna dun dundun dunn dunnna dunnn... death by saxophone.

Anonymous said...

How does classical guitar fit in with white zin, light margarine, grade c foie, trivial, banal, or mundane?

And since when did R develop such a vicious (and amusing) sense of humour? G