Thursday, February 08, 2007


I am thinking of going to walkerton for a while next year. do they still have e. coli or anything? not to toot my own horn, but now that I mention it I kind of feel that I have a rather robust gi system. so it is probably okay if they still have a touch of e. coli, I would not really mind. on the other hand, I see walkerton does not even have a bus station. so I am somewhat concerned that it will be a bit small. perhaps mila in her capacity as condo pres could contact the mayor for me and enquire as to what services and recreation are offered by the town of walkerton. mila and the mayor could meet and discuss matters of leadership and administration while wearing their presidential/mayoral sashes, as I can only imagine that the mayor of walkerton wears one of those things, and I know for a fact that mila will when she gets elected. she has also informed me that she will require some manner of convertible so that she may drive about our parking lot waving at her constituents and generally basking in their adoration.


Anonymous said...

you have a robust gi system? tmi!!!

also, please don't jinx my presidential campaign with talk of what i will do once elected.

Anonymous said...

I have only been in walkerton once, so john could take his driving test there, but it seemed nice and there was no sign of GI problems. the driving tester was friendly, as were the ladies in the quilting/knitting store and the old-fashioned shoe store (john's mum and i had to do some shopping to allay our nervousness about the driving test, after all:-B). i remember there is a scuzzy bowling alley there so maybe mila can practice the mad bowling skillz she will acquire at the luxury old folks home.

Anonymous said...

maybe i should go to walkerton for my driving test. i keep on delaying it...

unfortunately i will not be joining simon in walkerton. i will stay in london and try to survive without a personal chef/cleaner. yeah right, simon was yelling at me again last night about mopping. when he's in walkerton, i will be living it up. hey simon, are you sure you can't do your entire clerkship in the municipality of brockton?

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure Walkerton has a bus station, as the bus between Toronto and Kincardine stops there. Maybe no access from London. Not that the occasional bus stopover and one driving test make me the most qualified about the place, but it would appear quite decidedly not the most happening.

simon said...

indeed, walkerton has bus service, but the (B) in its listing suggests that there "may simply be a stop along a highway route, without an enclosed waiting area." fantastic!

and are you suggesting london isn't connected? with a quick stopover in stratford, and then a ligtening-fast couple hours stopover in kitchener, you're in walkerton faster than you can say gastroenteritis.

also: mila, go mop.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I suppose it is not really a station, per se. So much for being paid to sit around and sit about semantics.

simon said...

well, you have been there, so you would know more about the bus services than I - I was simply going by the greyhound website.

in any event, it appears that walkerton may be off the list. wingham, look out.