Tuesday, February 20, 2007

1920 smackdown

dear harvey grace,

I really enjoyed your treatise on the organ works of bach (Grace, H. The Organ Works of Bach: The Weimar Period. The Musical Times 61(929):450-3, 1920.). my two favourite passages:

"bach makes such passages almost sufficiently interesting to redeem a branch of art which has been more piteously discredited than any in its whole range, save and except the operatic aria." oh that is so scathing. you just slammed bach and arias at the same time I think.

"but a pedal solo that does not set any loose window-panes rattling is a thing of naught." I hear you, harvey grace. nobody likes an organist cheap with the stops. give us 11, organist. harvey grace said so.

thanks harv, looking forward to reading more of your work in the future,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't even know if this post is good. the first paragraph was so boring my eyes glazed over and i stared at the screen for a suitable amount of time and then moved on to the next post. sort of like how i study a lecture.