Wednesday, January 17, 2007

who da man?

well I guess that would be me. I was craving a coke a couple of hours ago. but seeing as I had just polished off a half bag of chips with mila, I thought I should go for a low-cal version. I went for the coke zero. now I knew nothing about it, but decided that it surely could not be much worse than diet coke, of which I am not a fan. indeed, it was not half bad, and I might be hard pressed to distinguish it from its full calorie sibling in a blind test.

but the best part of all this is that the internet reveals that coke zero is a brand targeted at young men. and somehow I was sucked into buying it, just based on my brief introduction to it in the checkout line at loblaws. so I guess this goes to show that I am a bit of a manly man after all.


Anonymous said...

we finished the entire bag. too bad they weren't kettle chips zero.

Luke said...

Mila, please keep Simon away from any more "young urban male 18-26"-based products. Soon he will be buying things like black-pearl and leather Tiffanies jewellery, or jojoba and shea butter body scrub.

simon said...

Sorry, can't hear you over the stench from my axe body spray.

Anonymous said...

Chips and coke are not a healthy snack.

simon said...

it was coke zero. it is like drinking water. water with carcinogens, but still, water.

simon said...

also p.s. mom did you miss the part where I am eating Just Right and chugging the soy milk?

Anonymous said...

The chips and coke counteract the soy stuff by a lot and add a lot of bad things to your body. Stick with fresh and local food.

Anonymous said...

simon, i hate to tell you but i would say that coke zero is one of the more popular choices of beverage at my school. which is all-girls i might add.

simon said...

hmmm sounds like you go to school with dudes.

simon said...

p.s. thanks for the advice, mom/stadtlander. maybe you could join my professor in the slow food movement.