Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ho ho ho nog

the latest in the nog saga:

rapport with the dairy man at loblaws is in progress. when I asked sunday why in blazes there was no egg nog on the shelves, he kindly checked in back and reported there was none there either. he then confided in me that the next day's shipment would be replete with nog.

well how about fast forwarding to monday evening, when the same dairy man was on the floor. the dairy man was on the floor, yes, but no nog. so I asked my new friend where the nog was. with a glimmer of recognition (RAPPORT!), he told me that the nog had failed to materialize on their latest shipment. he went on to reveal that the nog was on back order.

first, did you notice the glimmer of recognition? we are pretty tight. I would not be surprised if he sets a few boxes of nog aside just for me

second, how can nog be on back order? back order is for playstation 3's and harry potter novels. nog on back order is the craziest thing I have ever heard. anyway, I hope it is off back order soon, because I am so thirsty.


Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love a good glass of eggnog to ring in the holiday season? I'm not trying to brag, but I am pretty sure that NB nog is the best--Baxter's brand from Sussex NB. It has been around for generations.

Luke said...

Anonymous, that sounds delicious. Is NB nog available in Ontari-ari-ari-o?

Simon, who do you know from NB? Do I know them? I just can't think of anyone I know from NB at all.

simon said...

local nog? fantastic! I am very jealous. does southwestern ontario have a regional nog?

and luke, I am afraid you have never met anonymous. beyond that I wouldn't want to say, for fear of revealing his or her identity!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps your friend at the Loblaws is just looking out for your arteries, and there really is nog hidden out back for customers who don't go through it as quickly as you do. Buy some sparkling water instead and put some red food coloring in it for a festive drink.

simon said...

mom your festive beverages sound very gross. sparkling and vanilla was bad enough, now red food colouring? where do you get this stuff??