Friday, October 27, 2006

my first fraud

I just experienced my first fraud. I was browsing through my credit card statement, rigorously checking the amounts against my receipts. nestled in amongst all the legitimate entries was a line for swiss chalet. okay, first, I would never eat at some greasy chain like that, so how on earth did that get onto my mastercard? but how about we assume maybe I leant the card to someone and they used it or something. so I let it slide. but then I saw the amount. $25.05 said my mastercard statement. $25.02 said my bill. if I could do numbers in capital letters let me tell you that 25.02 would have been in major caps. OUTRAGEOUS! THEY BILKED ME FOR A SHINY TUPPENCE AND THEN SOME. SWINDLERS! UNSCRUPULOUS SWINE! I have half a mind to never eat that delicious rotisserie chicken again.


Anonymous said...

the extra $0.03 was el taxo to get my quesadilla across the mexico-switzerland border. you have to pay a premium for tex-mex at the chalet. weird that it wasn't on the original bill though.

simon said...

why can't you just get the chicken like everyone else? the waiters probably make fun of people like you, ordering all the weird non-chicken stuff.

Anonymous said...

it was a chicken quesadilla!

Anonymous said...

So did you really eat at Swiss Chalet? I can't believe it!