Tuesday, August 22, 2006

do not mess with the stump

the bay adelaide stump is so cute and scrappy. a little late, but I just read that they did some testing, and the concrete was too hard to just knock down. so they have to drill all these holes in it to put some chemicals in that will weaken the concrete. but it was so tough that it was even difficult for the worker men to drill into, and it took them a long time. the little worker men cannot handle a little stump? it has got some serious spunk, that stump.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once every few days, I pass your beloved stump during lunch hour. And every time, it seems like someone new is tackling the stump with a weapon of increasing mass destruction. Yet the stump, while slowly withering, stubbornly refuses to crumble and fall. A colleague of mine likened the stump to George Bush's foreign policy. Touche.