Saturday, July 22, 2006

comment: I approve

I was out for dinner tonight. the restaurant is called amuse-bouche, for those interested torontonians. it was all really good, other than a bewildering bilingual menu. that is okay for me, I took french immersion (immersion francaise), but be forewarned. anyway, at the end of the meal the bill came inside a comment card. that is a really great touch and impressed me greatly. restaurants should pay more attention to customers' feedback I think. the only other restaurant that I have ever heard of that did that regularly was one in chicago that took service very seriously. the chef/proprietor even published a book all about service. it was a really great read. I highly recommend it, it is by charlie trotter. my favourite story from that book was about a tradition at that restaurant. one night a customer commented that he really liked the waiter's tie. so at the end of the night the waiter presented the customer with his tie, all wrapped up in a box. from then on if anyone ever likes a waiter's tie, the waiter gives it to them. that is really heart warming.

in other news, if someone wrote on a comment card that they found the food to be "passionate and authentic" I think that would be a pretty swell comment.

also I think if a waiter were to be so bold as to suggest that I am not man enough to handle the 5 course dessert tasting then he would deserve the comment that "service did not match, but was adequate." adequate - scathing!


Anonymous said...

Swell comment indeed. Let us hope that your dinner companions did not feel compelled to compensate with a disproportionate gratuity.

simon said...

now there's a topic ripe for a post: what to do when you split a bill at a restaurant - how do you make sure you are not the cheap one with the tip. you should start a blog, whoever you are.