Thursday, June 01, 2006

unleavened jewish bread

I don't really know how to spell this word. my current box says 'matzos' which seems akin to a tray of porterhouse steaks saying 'beefs,' but what do I know. my whopping 25% jewishness comes via my dad who now directs a cast of hundreds in an annual pageant celebrating the birth of jesus christ. (I hope in mentioning him that it does not invite him to start posting zingers like another parent of mine. my dad, that is, not jesus.)

I am writing this to advertise two things to make with matzoh that I had never heard of before, but which are quite delicious.

the first is pretty simple. just spread some margarine on your matzoh. I would suggest low-salt or no-salt matzoh, as some of the regular varieties are pretty intense. I would probably buy the regular salt version anyway to help my thyroid, but I'm guessing the folks at manischewitz are probably pretty set on using the kosher salt for their passover bread.

the second treat is somewhat more complex, and requires a recipe. the recipe came from a cookbook called 'passover, feast of freedom, the exodus.' that is written right here in front of me, I did not make that up. I do not cook from this cookbook very often. actually, I do not cook from it at all other than this recipe, I just have a photocopy of this one page. the recipe is for matzoh covered in toffee and chocolate. yes, it is pretty awesome and I eat it until my belly hurts. the authors are even so confident in their recipe to suggest that if you only make one thing at passover, this should be it. now that seems a little excessive to me, as I can only imagine the cavities that would ensue. and you would get some serious vitamin deficiencies, because this stuff is really just sugar and butter. maybe they do only make this one thing, but then drink V8 to make up for it like I do.


Anonymous said...

Did you consider that the nexus of "margarine" and "low-salt" makes for, on paper, the most violent gastro-intestinal convulsions possible? Are you trying to make your readers vomit?

I am growing concerned about this. What is wrong with a bit of butter?

simon said...

kind reader,
I assure you that the chocolate matzoh more than makes up for any butter deficiencies in the margarine matzoh snack. I was not kidding when I said it was just butter and sugar. it really is. a lot of it. and some chocolate.

what if I told you it was light margarine?

Anonymous said...

We have been trying to use up the margarine. Also, have you ever tried to spread butter on matzoh? That would be a disaster!
But I do want to highlight Aldous' point that Simon can be quite lowbrow in the food dept. Jess can back me up on this one (Swiss Chalet).
I can trash talk too, S. And at least I never had a rat tail.

Anonymous said...

True, Mila, I am not a regular consumer of matzoh. I don't even know how to spell it.

To paraphrase Tony Bourdain: " "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"? I can."

Right up there with white zin and one-pot-wonders.

simon said...

don't you have work to do or something? don't make me forward this thread to your boss.

Anonymous said...

forward this thread to the boss? we already know that the boss' wife is a regular.
oh, nepotism! it gets you every time...

Anonymous said...

How come you aren't concerned about the phytate in the unleavened bread? I wonder what Flan would have to say about that one...

simon said...

great, now I've got iron deficiency and goiter. and a side order of TB. when's bird flu coming?

Anonymous said...

i am sorry to say, but you have forgotten to mention the best thing to make with matzoh, and i am rather disappointed that your other did not bring it to your attention.
the matzoh log. the best matzoh involved treat thus far.

simon said...

matzoh log is pretty good, but even if I had 3 boxes of matzoh I would not give any to the matzoh log. they would all be used for margarinezoh and chocolate matzoh. I would do that even though 3 boxes does not divide evenly among two matzoh styles. maybe if I had a fourth box I would give it to the log.

Anonymous said...

ok, i am pretty sure that "anonymous" pushing the matzoh log is maybe my grandmother but more probably my mother.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you should make some of this chocolate matzoh and send it home with mila when she returns to toronto...

Anonymous said...

liza, sign your name or you will get lumped together with the "anonymous" making fun of simon for having no friends.
and make your own chocolate matzoh. or ask grandma to make you some. it is her 'passover, feast of freedom, the exodus' recipe.

Anonymous said...

your grandmother? your mother?? how about your loving, darling sister!?! the one who actually reads this!
- the forgotten sister

Anonymous said...

Your dad is too busy playing tennis to post on your site, don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Simon, I am pleased that you find eating matza (direct phonetic translation from Hebrew) so exciting. Probably just because of the 25% factor. Having the 100% factor, I can only handle the matza log.