Friday, June 02, 2006

unleavened jewish bread, part two

having done no fewer than one serial posting in the past you may rightly assume that I am somewhat a master of the genre by now. however, even masters sometimes falter. you may have struggled through the bombastic oeuvre 'unleavened jewish bread' and assumed that there would be no more from me on such matters. there is actually a part two to this story. I could have passed it off as an epilogue, because you don't have to call something 'part one' if the 'part two' is really just an epilogue, but I am not a dishonest blogger who tries to dupe you with cheap tricks like that.

first, some background story. I do not actually own 'passover, feast of freedom, the exodus'. it belongs to mila's grandmother. so in order to procure this recipe, I sent mila's grandmother an email. now until quite recently mila's grandmother had not used a computer. she had never owned a computer. world wide web? information superhighway? internet? none of the above. but the siren call of ebay was too strong, so now she has a sweet little laptop. so I guess one day my email arrived in the inbox of this laptop. now mila's grandmother is really very good at reading emails. I would say it is one of her best internet skills. she calls them 'letters' but whatever you want to call them, she can read them really well. so she read my request for a recipe from 'passover, feast of freedom, the exodus'. I made sure to request a short recipe, because I knew scanning was not going to happen. I thought she could type it up and send it over, a nice task for a grandmother to do on her new laptop. as I have said, she is very good at reading emails, so she read my email and leapt into action.

she photocopied the recipe, called me and suggested I pick it up the next time I am in toronto.

she is very good at reading emails, I assure you. replying is maybe her second best skill though. second, as in not quite mastered yet but I am sure that she is working on that skill and that next time I send her an email she will probably click that reply button and send me an email right back.

so five hours of travel time and a bowl of ice cream (jewish grandmother, remember) later I have the recipe in hand. I promptly made my now-favourite matzoh recipe and sent mila's grandmother an email to report on how delicious it was. I thought that a casual email conversation about matzoh would be a great chance for her to show off her new replying aptitude.

wednesday morning. and remember that grandmother mornings start several hours before student mornings. "SIMON! I GOT YOUR EMAIL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

she had not forgotten to turn off caps lock. she was excitedly yelling at me over the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Simon, all I can say: like mother, like daughter. I tried to push the blogger reply to identify myself on unleavended 1, but couldn't master it. Alas, just anonymous, as I am once again.

However, I did want to show something else that runs in the family: THESE ARE FUNNY SIMON! Glad that we are able to provide content for your blogs. Will pause though the next time I share one of my specialty cuisines with you (mine are so, ah, special, they didn't even rate the exodus book...right, Mila?)