Saturday, October 24, 2009

glug glug glug

guess who just bought egg nog?!

also, to the lady in front of me at the checkout: you had to pay when you got to the front of the line? who knew!? no worries, it wasn't like I was in a rush to get home and drink my nog or anything, so please do not even worry that it took you a million hours to dig through your voluminous knockoff vuitton in search of a wallet.

finally p.s. I was at walmart (do not even ask) and I am pretty sure that walmarts contain the highest density of poor parenting of any location on earth. one more family of overweight parents screaming across the store at their out of control, ill-groomed children as they careen into displays of sham-wows and halloween candy superpacks and I am pretty sure the entire chain will collapse into a black hole of family dysfunction.


Anonymous said...

you may enjoy this

Pete said...

Awesome link!

There goes my night.

Anonymous said...

they still do not have egg nog at my grocery store!

simon said...

you should complain. that's what I do when I cannot find nog. not sure if it does anything, but sure is satisfying!

Anonymous said...

please review the new PC chocolate nog. thank you!