Tuesday, August 11, 2009

diy mila

the extent of mila's craftiness had until now extended no further than the occasional sharpie doodle on my lunchtime ziplocks (rotation-specific doodles, of course. I am on infectious diseases at present, and so today's sketch was a smiley face with a speech bubble asking if he was contagious. my coworkers are naturally jealous). well not to be outdone by the nauseating diy brides who blog about their nauseating diy weddings ("I am a graphic designer so I designed our invites and btw my brother happens to own a letterpress so he offered to print them all for me and also my bff is annie leibowitz so she is shooting the wedding. oh and I sewed my wedding dress") mila decided to take on a project of her own.

having not been able to find any flats to change into after a day of wedding heels, diy flats were the plan. well not really diy flats, mila is not a cobbler you know, but she had some unworn patent leather ballet shoes that she thought would do well with some pomo bedazzling. so we headed to michaels to join the walmart and mcdonalds demographic in a search for a glue gun. long story short mila made some wedding flats and they are actually kind of great.

moral of the story? if mila gets two pairs of wedding shoes, I guess I should too. hello ferragamo!


mila said...

you left out the part where you said i was the least crafty person in the world, with no skill or creativity, and refused to help with/condone the project in any way.

Mom said...

I'm sure he was just joking if he actually said something like that!

Anonymous said...

I sense some DIY envy here. Also, dude! You went to Michael's for a gluegun? There's an art store full of sparkles and glue guns like 2 blocks from your house. Keep that in mind when Mila needs to bedazzle her post-wedding cut-offs


mila said...

skye we just found that place on the weekend and stocked up on more supplies! i'm bringing diy back!

Anonymous said...

Check it!

mila said...

you found my blog!