Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I need a cure

medicine is sucking the passion out of me. lately, I have just been wandering clothing stores aimlessly, finding nothing at all to excite me. "that's kind of sweet," I would think of a jewel blue merino cardigan. but then I would think "why bother? really, the medical community would be quite happy if I just wore a short sleeved button down with the same chunky black oxfords every day." I think french cuffs just confuse them, and they never want to discuss the relative merits of the four fold vs. the seven fold tie. in a desperate last-ditch effort to cure this sartorial malaise, I am attempting to order some MTM shirts from my HK tailor. but this style-sapping school goes on to throw copious salt in the fashion wound, keeping me in dreary lecture halls for such protracted hours that I have not even had time to place my order. I may have to take a personal leave to attend to this issue. just a few days for my personal health, really. nip it in the bud, you know. before it gets too serious and I start wearing non-ironic plaids.

p.s. I thought an extra-strength dose was in order, so I opted for a contrast collar and cuffs on the pink herringbone number.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is a sign that you are in the wrong profession. Perhaps you should have gone into the tailoring business, or else studied fashion at George Brown College, or some such thing. You could be the next Ralph Lauren! Calvin Klein! Tom Ford!
On the plus side, think of the money you/your parents are saving on clothes. All you need is scrubs plus a short sleeved shirt and cords for clinic days, and you're all set!

simon said...

my parents saving money on clothes? please do not interpret this missive as a request to stop with christmas blazers and birthday shirts and the like.

Unknown said...

Interesting... I've come across multiple surgeons who dress really snappily for clinics!

Anonymous said...

my friend matthew (father of hugo, my babysitting charge) is a doctor and a really good dresser. i don't know what he wears to work, but he has many cashmere sweaters, several pairs of designer pants from holt renfrew, and lots of hip screen-printed shirts. maybe all is not lost for you?

simon said...

julian and bronwen, please introduce me to these doctors so that I may hang out with them and commiserate.

Anonymous said...

Please let me know if you ever meet a doctor who wears a skinny tie to work. That would be pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

On a whim, I decided to search for "hipster medical student" on Google. This was the first result:

His name is also Julian, and he seems like an interesting guy. I am going to subscribe to his blog.