Thursday, August 23, 2007


tonight for my evening snack I had a bag of popcorn and a few slices of watermelon. I actually sliced and ate the watermelon while the popcorn was popping. I finished eating my watermelon just as the popcorn finished in the microwave, so I guess this snack would probably rank as one of my most efficient ever. anyways, I was looking into watermelons to see if they were somehow nutritious enough to counteract the calorie-drenched and transfat-sodden popcorn. well, good news: the national watermelon promotion board assures me that watermelons are not only delicious, but also healthy. also did you know that watermelons originated in the kalahari desert and that the first watermelon harvest occurred in egypt? I would not have guessed that. also good to know, china grew 150 billion pounds of watermelon last year. if you are interested, I can send you the table of the top 15 producers of watermelons, because it was really quite surprising. fyi, canada is not on the list, which is too bad, but maybe next year we will do better.

p.s. I am very worried that those hyphens up there are grossly inappropriate, but it is way past my bedtime and to be quite honest it is a miracle I can even muster the energy to operate the internet, so I will let that potential grammar faux pas slide.

p.p.s. who am I kidding? I am never too tired for the internet. maybe I can squeeze in an episode of clark & michael before bed.

p.p.p.s. watermelon is the 'lycopene leader' of fresh produce. sounds healthy!


Anonymous said...

i just delivered my first baby!!!!!

Luke said...

Mila, was it the size of a watermelon?

Simon, apparently watermelons have more antioxidents in them per gram than blueberries.

I also once carved a whole watermelon into a fruit basket, back when I was young and keen!

simon said...

luke, have you too lost your passion for food so thoroughly that you cannot even bring yourself to carve a watermelon anymore? you are worse than aldous.

Anonymous said...

i don't care one bit about watermelon health concerns, i just thought i'd stop by and give a shout out to you guys before our return to london...

can't wait to see you both!

amelia xo

Anonymous said...

amelia, your message warmed my heart! i am excited to see someone other than simon in london (no offence, s).

Anonymous said...

Who are Clark and Michael? If you are bored, you can do the geography quiz put out by Miss Teen South Carolina - maybe you will do better than I did on the answers as you do so much internet research.