Sunday, August 26, 2007

bar mitzvah card, where are jew?

not in london, apparently.

chapters, amidst rows and rows of trendy and attractive greeting cards, had a whopping three for bar mitzvahs, each of which was utterly atrocious. one did at least have some hand-done detail, but in truth, no amount of bespoke work could have redeemed the heinous blue and gold 'mazel tov' scrawled across the front. hallmark, despite carrying a fairly extensive selection of rosh hashanah cards, had only two for bar mitzvahs, which were outdone in their ugliness only by the offerings at carlton, which also gave only two to choose from.

like, shalom, is there no purveyor of fine judaica around here somewhere?


Anonymous said...

simon, oy vey. i am turning 23, not 13!!

simon said...

consider yourself lucky: the bat mitzvah card pickings were even thinner.

Anonymous said...

Honestly do you think that the recipient is as fussy as you are about cards? How many 13 year old boys worry about card stock and velum and things like that? I mean, even you, EV leader, were not interested in that sort of thing at that age - you would print up cards on the computer (can't recall the name of the snazzy programme you used, maybe "Card Maker" or something like that). He will be happy with whatever card he gets.

Anonymous said...

on a related note, i was given a gift certificate for a toronto judaica gallery as a wedding gift. sadly, we are not jewish. but it is the thought that counts, i guess!

simon said...

do they sell bar mitzvah cards there?

Anonymous said...

yes and menorahs and dreidels (sp) too.

simon said...

why not get a menorah for everyday use? they're really just kosher candelabras. jonathan adler would approve so heartily.