Friday, May 04, 2007


great, tomorrow is cinco de mayo and our bag of lime tostitos is almost gone. to be honest, I cannot see it making it through the night. perhaps I will heat up some taco shells and eat those instead. too bad mila's germinating avocado tree is not yielding avocados yet, or I could have some guacamole with my taco shells.

anyway, moral of the story here, I was leafing through my new agenda, and there was this page showing all the holidays in countries around the world. my new agenda is a svelte little moleskine number, which I have to say is quite classy. mila made me get it because otherwise I just tried to make her remember my appointments. so far I have not written anything in it for today and onward, so if anyone has any suggestions for something I could put it, I would appreciate it greatly.

so these holidays: canada seems kind of cheap with them. I am seeing holes in february, march, june and august. actually I am pretty sure we have a holiday in august so I do not know what these moleskine people are taking about. it is a good thing I am so taken with the gentle mottled texture of this little book's cover, because otherwise this blatant error would probably give me cause to toss my agenda and return to my attempts to have my schedule maintained by mila.


Anonymous said...

there shouldn't be a hole in february! hello, moleskine, have you ever heard of v-day?

Anonymous said...

also, simon, since today is blank, why not pencil in making dinner? i am getting hungry.

simon said...

sorry, looks like someone just blocked off the next couple hours with "read internet." and it's in pen. sorry!

Unknown said...

Moleskines are awesome. I like to take notes in them

Anonymous said...

i too like moleskines, but my budget does not stretch to using them for everyday notes (julian - who's the sugar momma?). but i plan to get a moleskine agenda in the fall to start the whole librarian-chic thing off right. where did you get your agenda simon? they are hard to find.

simon said...

suprisingly, they had the exact agenda I wanted at chapters. and it was half price since it was so late into the year!

Unknown said...

I bought mine from Indigo. You can also buy them from

No sugar momma though -- I pay for these myself :) It is a steep price to pay, but I find that there isn't anything quite like a Moleskine -- it opens flat and feels nice to use! They also fit nicely in my white coat.

Also, I go through them fairly slowly, as I save them for tokens of information shared by my attending physicians or interesting clinical presentations. I use a sketchbook for mindmaps and typically use a word processor for longer notes (e.g. from a textbook)

simon said...

mindmaps? not even the fact that you are using a classy journal can mitigate the fact that you are drawing mindmaps.

Unknown said...

Surely, you jest! I love mindmaps!

Mindmaps are a great format for taking lecture notes (depending on the style of the lecture). They use page space economically, are conducive to connecting ideas, and their web-like structure allows for rapid access of information if I want to refer back to certain points.

I also use them when I'm learning about a condition. I can create links between points from various sections, such as the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations sections.

They're more fun to create and review than linear notes. Mindmaps also help me compartmentalize and find connections within my knowledge-base.

Anonymous said...

What on earth is a mindmap? Have I stumbled onto a StarTrek website or something in the future????? Am I in some altered universe?

Anonymous said...

here is some info about mindmaps, which were popularized by this totally wacky 1960s New Age guy called Tony Buzan, but are actually not that flaky. I was introduced to them by the head of Full Flower, my "hippie-school" in Tallahassee, who never took notes any other way. I usually start writing essays by making mind-maps, but for lecture notes in history, you kind of need a linear structure, to fit all the dates togther properly!

Emily said...

I think the reason that there is no holiday in august in the moleskine is because it's a provincial holiday, not national. In ontario it is just known as a statutory holiday, but in BC they call it BC day. I don't know what the other provinces do.

simon said...

sounds like ontario needs a naming contest.