Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I got burned

I burned my thumb tonight. I was removing some wick ash from a pillar candle with a pair of tweezers, but the candle happened to be on at the time and it kind of heated up my thumb skin a bit too much I guess.

I should certainly hope it goes without saying, but I am going to have to take it easy on the studying for the next while. all that page turning would only exacerbate my injury, I fear.

on the upside, I got out of washing dishes. angered at having to do the dishes twice within a seven day period, however, mila treated me to a constant barrage of heckling while I dried and tidied. it was actually quite exhausting. I hope they never let mila in at yuk-yuks. the poor comedians would never stand a chance with her in the audience.


Anonymous said...

why? because my jokes would put the spotlight on me instead? at least they would get a free workout. i'm talking laughercize.

simon said...

the bouncers would get a good workout as they threw you out for heckling. actually I guess they wouldn't get much of a workout at all, you don't exactly have too much meat on your bones.