Tuesday, March 20, 2007


day 1: for my vacation in the sun, a conservative sunning strategy was adopted. liberal use of sunblock and conscientious observance of high UV times of day. surely this will result in a superior shade of golden brown.
day 2: no evidence of sun save fierce burn on forehead. who gets burned on their forehead? nonetheless, continued faith in this conservative approach to sunning resulted in ongoing adherence to this model.
day 3: still no evidence of sun on my white skin other than bright red forehead. time to get down to business, clearly. big guns were called in in the form of low spf dry oil spray.
day 4: light burn appearing. dry oil continued. no pain, no gain, after all.
day 5: dry oil what have you done! oh severe heat rash. oh excruciating itchiness. oh benadryl overdose.
day 6: continued benadryl od. day's events somewhat foggy.
day 7: heat rash faded to white. undaunted by extreme discomfort of preceding two days, resumed aggressive tanning. minus the presumed guilty dry oil.
day 8: torso pink like a lobster. rest of body white.

old wrinkled floridians, what is the secret behind your rich golden skin?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

answer: 6 months instead of 8 days