Tuesday, February 13, 2007

unluxurious weekend

weekend mornings around here involve a certain routine. namely, mila wakes up and carpes the diem, while simon sleeps in. I feel that sleeping in is in fact more productive than getting up and seizing the day, since sleep is good for the brain. I figure that after I finally get up, I will be able to do everything twice as quickly. mila feels that I am lazy.

anyway, even though mila usually makes her own weekend breakfasts (I refuse to eat her unique brand of savoury omelettes and breakfast sandwiches) she seems to feel that my presence is required as she prepares her breakfast. for this reason, as soon as mila gets hungry on the weekends, she comes in and wakes me up. I instituted a no-touching and no-talking policy, but mila managed to circumvent that directive: I awoke recently to the cool breeze arising from my robe as it was vigorously aired out, and to the blaring of our answering machine (which lives on my bedside table). surprisingly, none of the saved messages needed to be dealt with at that ungodly early weekend hour. furthermore, I cannot say that my robe felt that much fluffier when I donned it a few minutes later.

so with this routine in mind, this past weekend before going to bed I made a fresh batch of cranberry scones, hoping that they might appease mila's voracious hunger in the morning.

well the scones were delicious, but apparently insufficient to sustain mila until I awoke. maybe mila should take a page out of my book and try a few cookies in the morning to take the edge off that nocturnal hypoglycaemia. I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you will have to double your scone output so that you can get your sleep. Or give Mila a huge midnight snack so that she can wait until you get up to have breakfast! No wonder you fill up two carts at the food store each time you go!