Tuesday, February 06, 2007

posture tip of the day

quick tip, because I have to go read more about statistical tests on the internet, or maybe study. but probably internet. or maybe I will just watch nip/tuck.

anyway, I have been looking to improve my posture for the past few days, so I have been holding my shoulders back and trying to keep my back straight. so far I think I may have acquired some upper back pain, but that is okay, maybe I can bilk some health insurer for massages. anyway it is hard to remember to keep your back straight all the time. so today when I was putting on a tie (green with pink polka dots - yes, a repeat mention on EV) I decided to leave it a whisper longer than I would generally prefer. thus if I assumed my normal posture, the tie would hang far too low for my liking. however, with my new improved posture, the tip of the blade was just where I wanted it. needless to say, this sartorial reminder is a small stroke of genius, so I do not mind if anyone else who shares a passion for posture and ties wants to copy it.


Anonymous said...

by "shares a passion for posture and ties" do you mean "is a dork"?

also, which shirt did you wear with your green and pink tie? i don't remember.

simon said...

well don't come complaining to me when I am 90 and twirling my ebony-handled cane in the air as I jauntily stroll along bloor st. in my john lobb specators while you hobble along too hunched over to appreciate the glorious crocodile man clutch that I am eyeing in the shop window.

simon said...

and the shirt, of course, was your lovely green and blue check with spectacular spread collar and restrained french cuffs.

Anonymous said...

why on earth did you wear my shirt to school?!? don't you have enough clothes of your own?

Luke said...

Simon, that's an awful lot of green in one outfit.

Mila, I would also characterize myself as having a passion for posture and ties. I think Simon's tip is actually quite clever, though the fact that I rarely wear ties other than as a discreet accessory under a sweater means I may not get to put it to much use.

However, I hope you will join me, at age 90, in beating a hasty retreat whenever cane-tossing, specator-sporting, man-clutch-admiring Simon makes his wizened appearance within a hundred feet of me.