Thursday, January 18, 2007

internet poll!

who thinks simon should be allowed to get a cowhide rug if he wants one!? zebra skin?


Anonymous said...

I stand behind Mila on this one. One vote AGAINST the cow hide/zebra skin.

Anonymous said...

thank you, anonymous!!!

one veto against cowhide/zebra/any other animal skin.

sorry simon. and it's not a typo. i mean one veto.

simon said...

Whoa since when do you get home decor veto? and who asked you anyway? I refuse to be oppressed. a man needs an animal hide in his crib, that is just how it is.

and are you my texan anonymous? you really aren't helping.

Luke said...

Unless it's the hide of an animal that is highly endangered, pelt decor just doesn't bring anything new to a home. And if it's the hide of an animal that is higly endangered, pelt decor brings one specific new thing to a home, namely CSIS. Ergo, no dead animal carcasses.

simon said...

all I want is a humble cow!

Emily said...

I think this would only work if you're going with an all-out western and/or safari themed room. OR if it is done in an ironic pomo fashion.

simon said...

well, it would tie in nicely with that moose head we have mounted above the couch.