Monday, January 08, 2007

blatant disregard

on epicurious, the website of bon appetit and gourmet magazines, there is a place for users to enter their comments regarding the recipes. these cooks are notorious for making daft substitutions (didn't have parmesan for the salad, so I used cottage cheese instead. turned out a little watery. 0/4) or else making something they detest and then complaining about it (hate garlic, but I thought I would give the forty clove chicken a try because leanne from Wyoming said it was great! hated it. 0/4).

however this comment from "steve" is almost offensive in its blatant disregard for culinary basics: "Didn't have butter, so made a roux with a tbls. of flour and 1 cup of plain yogurt," said steve from Illinois.

okay steve, a roux is fat and flour, that is all it is. seriously, you cannot make a roux with yogurt. your yogurt roux makes me nauseous and offends me greatly. were rachael ray and bobby flay to confer on a dish, I do not think even they could produce anything so vile.


Luke said...

Are you sure this wouldn't work? If "steve" had used some high-fat Balkan -style plain yogurt, it actually might have turned out reasonably well, albeit with a slightly funky taste. I would have been far more revolted if "steve" had used mocha or mixed-berry or something.

simon said...

he probably used low-fat. he sounds like that kind of guy.