Thursday, January 11, 2007

another graphic dream


Luke said...

This is getting ridiculous. What is with the Teen-Girl-Squad-vs.- Masaharu-Morimoto-style mash-up in panel one? Why does your otoro set look like some sort of desktop PC from circa 1992? Why is Hiro weilding a butane lighter? And is that smaller figure in the last panel Mila? How does she feel about wearing a toupee?

Simon, please go back to delicate surgical work - do not quit your day job.

Anonymous said...

Are you in med school or preschool? Shouldn't you be studying instead of reliving your nursery school days!!!

simon said...

thank you both for your comments, as always.

luke, that is clearly a sashimi knife. hiro is very passionate about his knife work. he would not appreciate your disparaging comments.