Thursday, October 05, 2006

poor show, wikipedia

mila recently reminded me that this year marks the ten year anniversary of the toonie. why was there no celebration? no offence, canada, but you are not very good at celebrations. no wonder national pride is so subpar. if the united states invented a two dollar coin there would probably be a national holiday, hallmark would introduce a series of greeting cards ("happy tennie, toonie" would be my vote) and there would be some awesome fireworks.

anyway, in honour of the anniversary I decided to do some research:

runners up for the name included "the bearly" "the deuce" and "the doubloonie". wikipedia, perhaps you should screen your entries for garbage like that, because those are the stupidest names I have ever heard.

a 'joke' referred to the coin as the "american silver dollar". NOT SO FUNNY NOW, IS IT? HOW ABOUT YOU TRY AMERICAN 1.77 DOLLAR ON FOR SIZE, WIKIPEDIA.

"separated coins" were a common phenomenon near the introduction of the coin (I am skeptical) and so it became fashionable to "wear the outside ring suspended on a leather thong as a necklace" THAT IS THE MOST FALSE AND DUMB THING I HAVE EVER READ. WHO WRITES THIS OUTRAGEOUS TRASH?


Anonymous said...

false and dumb indeed. who on earth wears underwear as a necklace?!?

Anonymous said...

No, it's true! A couple of my friends had one. I couldn't afford a toonie at the time, so I didn't do it myself. Also, deuce is a WICKKED name!

Shout out to the birthday girl!
