Tuesday, October 17, 2006

katie holmes

on occasion, I will jot down a quick note about something that I want to mention on my blog. a few weeks ago, after seeing 'thank you for smoking' I made a quick note on our grocery list.

a few days later, I retrieved my note, ready to blog about it. "blog re:..." was pretty clear. plain as day. but it was downhill after that. a graphological nightmare. I knew there were four more words, but I could decipher none of them. I was modestly confident that there was a "wine" in there. the next word could really have been anything. "ulysses?" I would have bought it, but for the fact I would never blog about ulysses. I really do not even know who or what ulysses is. I think I often confuse it (him? is it a him?) with odysseus, on account of the double ss.

anyway, there were two more words, so I moved on. a good hour of forensic handwriting analysis later, I came up with "hate homes." I really cannot say that I have very strong emotions regarding homes so I kept working. meanwhile, mila kept piping up: "are you sure it's not katie holmes? maybe you wanted to talk about suri. her new bff posh spice? oh, probably you wanted to make a scathing zing about her new barney's addiction"

since I do not run a gossip blog, clearly I had no intention of blogging about katie holmes. I forged ahead. "bate honey?" "traitor homme?" I am not joking, I am looking at the note right now, and it could say any of those things. but upon further inspection, things began to fall dangerously into place for the young starlet.

so in summary: wine glasses katie holmes. she drank out of some sweet glasses in the movie. they were plump, yet not obscene. tall and imposing, yet seemingly versatile. that is pretty much all I wanted to say. they were really great wine glasses. if my dream of owning the entire riedel sommelier collection falls through, I will happily settle for those katie holmes wine glasses.


Anonymous said...

i hope that teaches you to listen to me. and to work on your penmanship.

Unknown said...

If I recall, you had pretty good handwriting in high school! Was it just because you were scribbling fast or is your handwriting actually getting worse? If it's the latter, I'm glad I'm not the only one with degenerating handwriting -- not that mine has ever been nice :(

From time to time, I wonder if there are handwriting improvement courses that I could take...

Anonymous said...

simon's handwriting usually isn't bad, but it is terrible when he writes quickly. also, he is on a mission to acquire a doctor's signature, which means that he actually practices how to write his name in such a way that it is completely illegible. so far he has gotten it down to 2 lines with a dot hovering somewhere over the first line. you have no idea how many times he has been questioned by suspicious cashiers when he signs the credit slip.

simon said...

my signature is the pinnacle of efficiency. Being just a couple of lines, it is very quick to do. So though I may have been stopped once or twice, that lost time is more than made up for by the seconds I save each time when they do not bother to question me, which is by far the majority.

I have completely forgotten how to write in cursive. I need to go back to grade 3.

Anonymous said...

simon, actually i am pretty sure that Ulysses is the same person as Odysseus. It's just the roman version instead of the greek one. Aren't you glad i take latin?

simon said...

well, no wonder I am confused then, rachel. bloody complicated.

Anonymous said...

amicus, amice, amicum, amici, amico, amico

bellum, bellum, bellum, belli, bello, bello

rex, rex, regis...i forget the rest.

rachel, it is nice to see that you are getting more from your latin classes than i ever did.

Anonymous said...

Mila - isn't it Regis Philbin?