Sunday, September 03, 2006


wednesday: woohoo frosh week
thursday: paaaarty
friday: orientation party
saturday: sweeeet kegger
sunday: more partaaays
monday: civic holiday fetivities wooooo
tuesday: lipophilic physiologic cyclophosphamide cytochrome p450 in vivo pentobarbitol oxidation reduction lidocaine fantastic

I thought the first day back was for making signs with our names to go on our desks and decorating our lockers.

p.s. my printer just jammed while printing notes. thanks school.


Anonymous said...

Are you having technical problems? There are some lines on the website that kind of flash.
I am sorry that you have such a hard schedule. Your daytime TV and reality TV watching will be curtailed. Perhaps you should drop out and see if Nielsen will hire you to track your viewing habits.

simon said...

maybe your diva is causing interference with the computer.