Wednesday, September 20, 2006

five spice blt pita

mila is excited about her upcoming birthday. she has been talking about her birthday plans for a good couple weeks now, and her birthday is not for a couple weeks more. her birthday lunch, for example, has been thoroughly planned. she intends to experience some teriyaki, from the teriyaki experience kiosk at our school. beef with noodles, and she assures me that she will say 'yes' to mushrooms. she also tells me that she plans to imbibe nothing other than a chocolate milk, 500mL size thank you very much. simple pleasures, I guess.

anyway the teriyaki experience man presents a very convincing front for the asian food offered. he is quite at home with the bean sprouts and tofu and teriyaki sauce. "BEEF OR CHICKEN?" or "HOW MANY SCOOPS SAUCE?" all sound quite authentically asian. he lords over the rice cooker as though he were born to scoop rice. his chopsticks are a blur as he flings noodles about. unfortunately, the teriaki man must also sometimes double as the pita pit man. the two counters are connected, so he just slides over and starts slinging alfalfa and shredded lettuce. I have no doubt that he is a master of fusion cuisine, yet somehow I am leary of a "CHICKEN CAESAR PITA!" coming from him. one has to hope that the soy and the mayo squeeze bottles are sufficiently separated I guess.

so no real punch line here, mila just brought me my coffee from the kitchen and made me promise to blog about her in exchange. mercenary!


Anonymous said...

Just an observation...

I noticed Mila celebrating her birthday early today - she had a large chocolate milk at 1:45 pm. (Community Health Class) Happy early birthday, I guess!!!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous, although i was enjoying some chocolate milk today (courtesy of my girl j.wy. who happens to share my birthday), i would not call it an early celebration. rather, i was helping a friend who couldn't handle 500mL of deliciousness in one sitting.
however, if you noticed me drinking in class, you may have also spotted a classmate, sitting directly in front of me funnily enough, who had in front of him my exact birthday lunch! weird!!!!