Tuesday, August 08, 2006

there ain't no party like a condo party

upon the return of mila and simon to their suburban condo digs, the important announcement about the third rescheduling of the window washing had been removed and the chastising reminder about double bagging garbage was long gone. in their stead were new notes, and the text was all center-aligned – this was not some full-justify notice about repainting the garbage room floor. what was our gerontocratic condominium board of directors up to? summer bbq that is what. we are talking bring a small dessert or salad to share and the burgers are on us kind of party. when is this going down? maybe a quick hour over dinner, 6-7? yeah right like we will be done partying by then. try making it 6-8. no way jose that is still not going to cut it, better put a question mark after that 8pm because there is no telling how late these retirees might party. THE POSTER ACTUALLY SAYS “6PM-8PM?” BECAUSE IT IS THAT WILD HERE.

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