Saturday, June 03, 2006

short attention span

I have been doing this blog thing for a few days now and it has been pretty fun I guess. but I am pretty bored of it by now, it has been almost twenty posts and I usually get bored after reading the first few pages of the front section of the newspaper and then I just start reading the style section, or maybe the toronto section if I am feeling particularly cerebral. so I am rather proud of myself that I did not abandon this cyber project somewhat sooner.

wait, I am just joking. it has simply been a really busy day of living the high life. you know, walmart, winners, swiss chalet. bought some frozen entrees, which I will not eat out of the tray. those last few lines rhyme so they would probably make a tight rap song. I would call it 'big living'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you had a day of living the high life. Cheer up!