Tuesday, May 30, 2006


we use kosher salt for all our cooking (gourmet cred, natch) and fleur de sel for all our table-side salting (see above). neither of these are iodized. does fleur de sel have enough naturally occuring iodide to sustain me? I think I need iodide drops or something.


Anonymous said...

Goiter?!?!? On top of TB! What next? Scurvy?

Anonymous said...

Flower of salt? What the crap?

simon said...

it grows on the top of salt marshes and is hand picked by french men with wooden rakes.

speaking of which, I just read an entire book about salt with the hopes that it would address modern day salts like kosher and fleur. it was 400 odd pages of ancient history of salt, and 6 pages of modern salts. I was angry.

Anonymous said...

Was it called Salt?

simon said...

hi anonymous,
yes it was called salt. if you have read it, perhaps you will understand why if I ever hear about a chinese salt well again I will be forced to throw myself into one.
if you have not read it, don't.