sag awards canadian fashion review
ellen page: tres cancon. you're at the sag awards, not the junos. don't let your movie title fool you.
sandra oh: oh no.
ryan gosling: I want to steal your suit and that sweet formal-brokeback-plaid shirt.
"maladroit platitudes"
ellen page: tres cancon. you're at the sag awards, not the junos. don't let your movie title fool you.
sandra oh: oh no.
ryan gosling: I want to steal your suit and that sweet formal-brokeback-plaid shirt.
Posted by
6:51 p.m.
dear whoppers, the candy, not the burger:
I cannot believe that you have replaced the pastel-coloured robin's eggs with the plain, standard-issue chocolate whopper. do not think for one second that you can sweep this under the carpet with a little bit of easter-themed packaging. if I were not so thoroughly immobilized from having eaten half a bag of your malted confectionery delights, I would be writing some harshly worded emails, that is for sure.
Posted by
8:46 p.m.
all the general surgery residents get these smart white coats with cinched in waists. I think they would look quite flattering on me, if I say so myself. sign me up!
Posted by
12:49 p.m.
this weekend, per mila's request, I whipped up a hollandaise and made her some eggs benedict. then, since I am working night shifts this week, I prepared her a week's worth of meals, all neatly packaged and labeled. wanting to make sure that she was seen as pulling her weight, mila reminded me that she had, after all, made me waffles this weekend. I reminded her that she had put two eggos in the toaster and called it a day.
Posted by
2:45 p.m.
the paper towel dispensers in this hospital all feature an "emergency feed knob," in case the dispenser fails to automatically dispense a paper towel and you really need one, I suppose.
the only emergency here is the lack of freshly folded white terry hand towels in a basket beside the sink, not to mention the conspicuous absence of designer hand lotion. HEALTH CARE FUNDING CRISIS SOLUTION BRAINWAVE: l'occitane-sponsored washrooms.
p.s. white linen is also acceptable.
Posted by
11:50 a.m.
I love those pistachios in the bottom of the bag that have fallen out of their shells so that I can munch them without having to do any work.
by way of corollary, I cannot stand those pistachios that have just a tiny little slit in the shell. they always hurt my fingers and they simply are not within my acceptable range of work to food ratio (cf. pomegranate. I wish I were one of those roman guys who lounged about all day on a chaise longue and had individual pomegranate seeds fed to me).
Posted by
2:50 p.m.
"...and so he's all like 'venti half foam double shot no fat extra hot two vanilla decaf capuccino' and I'm just like 'can I get a medium regular?'"
what is this, dave barry circa 2003?
anyway, and needless to say, riotous nurse laughing ensued.
Posted by
3:08 p.m.
"first, take some light cream cheese spread"
"why make when you can buy!?"
"replace the cream with some chicken stock - it's a great way to cut calories!"
"I'm rachael ray"
Posted by
4:52 p.m.
to the doctor who is wearing what appears to be either jeans (casual!) or navy pants with a black shirt and shoes (clashtacular!) in her online teaching video:
your use of big words like "postulated" and "extravasation" does not mitigate the fact that you are wearing either jeans or navy pants with a black shirt and shoes in your online teaching video.
also, your overzealous hand movements are distracting me from properly learning about the appendix. too bad they are not distracting me from your jeans or navy pants with a black shirt and shoes. and brown belt. honestly.
p.s. your patently fake writing during the 'office encounter' with your 'patient' would look somewhat more realistic if you did not spend the entire interview writing over the same 2 lines in the chart.
p.p.s. your nervously fumbled sexual history-taking is probably the funniest thing I have seen in an online teaching module this year. I particularly like it when you suddenly interrupt your inappropriate joke about the patient's number of sexual partners with a fortissimo "HURTS A LITTLE, DOESN'T IT." I assume you are referring to her abdominal pain, but perhaps you are trying to double bill for some psychotherapy and are in fact delving into the woman's shattered love life. interesting technique.
p.p.p.s. I really feel your patient appreciated that you took the time to explain the rosving sign to her as she writhed in pain while you pressed on her abdomen.
Posted by
8:12 p.m.
I am pretty sure you are not supposed to have real christmas trees in the building, but having smuggled one in back in december, we are now left with the dilemma of disposing of it. the garbage chute is a possibility, but then what if it gets stuck half-way, leaving a stump of a christmas tree sticking out of the chute and a trail of pine needles leading back to our apartment? we could perhaps carry it over to the park behind our building and consider it a donation to the local ecosystem, but the incriminating evidence may linger too long in these sub-zero temperatures. it seems the only remaining solution is to install the tree in the foyer and hope the super assumes she put it up in a nog-fueled christmas daze, and disposes of it accordingly. I suppose we should also leave a pile of needles outside our neighbour's door just in case the super decides to investigate matters. a charge of contraband christmas decorations would sure teach that condo dweller to blast her avril at inconsiderate volumes.
p.s. ebert and roeper called amy adams' breakout film, junebug, "perfectly executed," while the LA times called it "deeply resonant". mila called it the worst film she saw in both 2007 and 2008.
Posted by
2:44 p.m.