Wednesday, January 16, 2008

and she forgot the syrup

this weekend, per mila's request, I whipped up a hollandaise and made her some eggs benedict. then, since I am working night shifts this week, I prepared her a week's worth of meals, all neatly packaged and labeled. wanting to make sure that she was seen as pulling her weight, mila reminded me that she had, after all, made me waffles this weekend. I reminded her that she had put two eggos in the toaster and called it a day.


Anonymous said...

i made coffee this morning and i left you a spoon on the counter for your yogurt. i didn't know we were keeping score!

Bronwen said...

what recipe do you use for hollandaise simon? That soup recipe you passed on to luke was very good . . .

simon said...

I am glad to hear you enjoyed the soup!

I use a recipe from joy, which uses the whole egg. I think it might be their 'quick' version, which sounds very lowbrow I know, but at least it's not the blender recipe, right?