Monday, July 31, 2006

false idols

okay what is wrong with sass jordan? seriously, I think there is something wrong with her. normal people are just not like that.

and son of a former prime minister is getting kind of uppity. last week he said "hostin', like pimpin', ain't easy." I am not sure of the context but I am not really sure it matters. who does he think he is? he is some b-list host for hire. cool it, benedict.


Anonymous said...

his mum has a great name. i don't know why she gave him such a lousy one.

Luke said...

Who on earth is Sass Jordan, and what on earth does she have to do with Benjamin Mulroney (well clearly all this has to do with Canadian Idol but I am choosing to ignore that connection because I despise all reality television except Project Runway and ANTM because those involve cattiness and nice fabrics at the same time and sometimes also a cute gay designer or two)and moreover, how on earth could a man with such a large chin become a television host (although one could ask the same thing about how his father got to be Prime Minister) and where on earth did he garner his apparently vast pimpin' experience, St. John, New Brunswick?
Honestly, it's enough to make people write in run-on sentences or something.

simon said...

luke, my dear reader, I assure you that e-van, as those in the know call it, gets the most rigorous fact checking that wiki can provide: his name is benedict.

Luke said...

oooooh. i have lost considerable face and must take a steak knife to the estomacho

i wonder if he was named after benedict arnold?

simon said...

wikipedia! he was named after his grandfather, benedict. also brian mulroney has my same birthday. sweet.