Friday, July 28, 2006

bird brain

okay mila is going to keep bothering me to post this until I do, so I have to share a story about a bird that we saw while we were out today. WE WENT OUT FOR A NUMBER OF HOURS TODAY AND THE SUN TOUCHED MY SKIN.

so we were walking and there was a bird on one side of the road. mila tells me it was a robin redbreast. she never just says "oh look, there is a robin" she always says "over in that tree, a robin redbreast!" because I guess she is a stickler for completeness. anyway, so this bird is just standing there chilling. it was pretty hot out actually, so I do not know why it was not in someone's backyard splashing in their pool, because a lot of people have pools around here. I guess instead of having culture or shops or entertainment they get pools I LOVE YOU SUBURBS J/K! ANYWAY this robin was standing there. and I guess it fancied the other side of the street a bit more so it decided to walk over to the other side of the street. blogiverse you heard me correctly, the bird walked over. it actually moved rather quickly. imagine a chihuahua walking across the street. the legs move really fast, even if the dog is not going that quickly. but then imagine that the chihuahua is going quickly. so its legs are on fire now. BUT IT WAS NOT A CHIHUAHUA IT WAS A BIRD.

geeze if I had wings let me tell you I would not be walking around like some shmoe who does not have wings.

update: mila just sent me a ransom note threatening me if I did not post about the powerwalking robin redbreast. I am trying to think of a sentence to follow that but to be honest I am really stumped. a ransom note with a drawing of a robin redbreast.

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