Sunday, December 27, 2009

lost in translation

at the dentist this morning for a recheck on my recently filled cavity:

"might go to montauk this afternoon" said the dentist.
"oh, I didn't even know they had a store here!" thought I, eager to browse their selection of fine sofas. but before I could reply, the tooth doctor interjected:
"I'll have to check on the conditions first, though"
odd, no, that he would be so nervous about the conditions at a furniture store? I mean I know it is boxing day and all, but still.

evidently he was referring to martock, a local ski hill, and not the purveyor of responsible couches. why does no one ever speak my language?

p.s. cavity is such a strong word. it was really more of a mini-cavity. a dent, really.


mom said...

I'm not surprised, given all the chocolate things you've been eating lately - not to mention the eggnog, etc - perhaps you need to go on a sugar free diet or switch to splenda.

George said...

Doesn't she mean "oral hygiene Mom"?