Saturday, April 26, 2008

mila health update

mila had been feeling a little sleepy lately, so she had some bloodwork done. given her diminutive size, it was kind of just assumed by all that her bloodwork would be less than impressive. well apparently mila is not so sickly after all. in fact, she would like to announce that she sports an iron level well within the normal range, and her B12 is bang-on. she is also quite proud of her robust hemoglobin (135), and notes that her thyroid is humming along quite nicely.

p.s. her glucose is also perfect.
p.p.s. I think I have low platelets. it is too bad we didn't get couples bloodwork, because I am kind of curious to see how I compare.


Anonymous said...

my platelets are WNL, obviously.
also, you forgot to mention that my iron level is within the normal range for a man!!! take that!

now i really want a full-body MRI. maybe we can register for one? hey jess, gift idea!

Luke said...

Frivolous full-body MRIs are the sort of thing that drag down Ontario's wait times numbers!

Anonymous said...

luke, don't be such a debbie downer!

Anonymous said...

Okay - you find out where you can register for his and hers MRIs. There is one downtown clinic that gives you a robe, golf shirt, slippers and a spa lunch while you wait for all your medical tests/treatments --- it sounds more like Sillwater than a family clinic to me, but whatever! if the bride wants an MRI who am i to argue? are you sure you don't just want a KitchenAid Mixer?

Bronwen said...

mila, i am super jealous of your iron levels. mine are so low that my doctor once told me she was surprised i was conscious . . . i am happy to hear you are doing well though!

Anonymous said...

Blood tests as a competitive sport?

Bronwen said...

yes, a favourite pastime of women in their early/mid twenties!