Friday, July 20, 2007

thomas keller movie reviews

spanglish: it is sweet that thomas keller designed a sandwich for adam sandler to make. also it was really great when chef sandler was walking through the kitchen and a cook got in his way and it wasn't really a big deal but they made it out to be such a big deal because the kitchen was doubtlessly a "mistake-free zone" just like thomas keller declared his french laundry to be. however, this was pretty much the only good scene in the movie, which was in fact a romantic comedy and not a chef-dramedy as I had thought. you can imagine my disappointment.

ratatouille: it is also sweet that thomas keller designed a dish for this movie - a pomo ratatouille, of course. he also had a voice cameo which is great as well. bonus points for casting guy savoy for the french version, and ferran adria in the spanish edition. also there was a really heartwarming scene when all the rats pulled together and helped out the chef rat, and really there would be nothing wrong with it if that scene made me cry with happiness or something, but of course it didn't because it was a children's cartoon and I am a grown man with robust sensibilities.

in other food movie news: catherine zeta-jones, I refuse to see your upcoming "no reservations" because mila tells me that all you did was spend two nights as a waitress. rest assured, I will investigate the culinary pedigree of this movie more thoroughly once I lift my internet embargo. I sincerely hope you were not waitressing at charlie trotter's in chicago, because they have such a tremendous passion for service that I would then be required to see your movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have called this post "spoiler alert!!!".