Sunday, May 06, 2007

windex is a sham

there is a window between my solarium/EV HQ and the den. I do not know why there is an interior window, it is really quite strange. fortunately there is at least a small sliding window, so that if mila is in the living room and I am supposed to be in my office studying, I can close my office door and then climb through the window and escape into the freedom of the rest of the condo.

unfortunately, ever since we moved in this window has been less than sparkling. it has always had a fine layer of window smudge. it is not so bad most of the time, but in the mornings when the sun is shining in you can really see it. I just sit here looking at all the smudges and feeling myself going crazy because I am being beaten by a window. this window has been completely and utterly refractory to any attempts to clean it. I have gone through gallons of windex and litres of vinegar in an attempt to wash off the grime. I have read so many martha stewart articles about how to properly clean a window, but all of her suggestions were powerless against this obstinate interior sheet of glass. I have pumped on spray after spray of windex and let it sit for a couple minutes, to no avail. I have delicately misted the window and then immediately wiped it clean, with equal lack of success. so finally I resorted to a generous wipe-down with palmolive, because it struck me that the pros seemed to use a soapy wash to clean windows, not some namby-pamby spray-on ammonia. MY WINDOW IS SHIMMERING. OR IT WOULD SHIMMER IF I COULD SEE IT. BUT I CAN BARELY SEE IT BECAUSE IT IS SO CLEAN. PALMOLIVE I LOVE YOU.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can try it on the bargain china cabinet I found for you - remember it has a sort of greasy sheen to it that won't come off?

Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts on magic eraser?

simon said...

hmm can't say that I've tried it. why, do you have views on it?