Tuesday, April 24, 2007

mila is trying to poison me

mila made some banana bread recently. she did not know where a lot of things lived in our kitchen, but that is okay, at least she was undertaking an independent baking project.

alarmingly, however, mila opted to replace the butter that the recipe called for with apple sauce. this is really quite unacceptable. next thing I know she is going to be slipping carob chips into my cookies and trying to poison me with flax seed. it is like some kind of hippy den in here. and her resistance to using copious amounts of animal fat is really getting out of hand. as far as I am concerned, pasta with spinach in it is health food, no matter how much butter and reggiano you throw in. I am off to do some whipping cream shooters or something.


Luke said...

Not to make your day any worse culinarily, but have you heard about the new study that directly links eating barbequed, fried or broiled foods to speedier aging?

Anonymous said...

also there is a good article today in the new GLOBE LIFE section about people doing moleculary gastronomy at home, including listings of suppliers for lecithin, agar agar and other wacky chemicals. check it out if you haven't already, and maybe the next big dinner extravaganza will feature pear caviar?

Luke said...

I hate Globe Life. Yesterday's essay on fat people was the most depressing read of the week.

Anonymous said...

i enjoy the new typeface.-rosie

Anonymous said...

There's a new typeface?

Oh yeah... newsPAPER.

Anonymous said...

there are three new type faces: Globe News, Globe Sans and Globe text, which are narrower so the entire paper is now narrower (12 inches). buy a paper! (when you are done your ISP, Aldous - I am sympathizing with you as I watch your page count rise on MSN.)

I am not sure how I feel about Globe Life. I always like the junky part of the paper, but it seems like they are spreading themselves a little thin - both front-page articles today were written by beppi crosariol.

Luke said...

Who on Earth names their child Beppi?

I haven't seen a paper copy yet either...of course, I've been to their website seven times in the last two days, so perhaps Edward Greenspon will forgive me.

Aldous will not know this because he has not left his room since Saturday, but there was a helicopter flying over downtown Toronto today trailing a giant advertisement for Globe Life. I guess the Globe's strategy is to go after the Star, bigtime.

Anonymous said...

Beppi is short for Giuseppe.

Luke said...

Oh. Well, that was my new fact for the day!

Anonymous said...

I hate the new Globe - I hate the blacks stripes all over it and I hate the typeface. It looks like the Metro that they give out for free on the subway, something like that. And while I too usually enjoy the lighter part of the paper for a nice change I too think they don't have much material to fill a section!

And Simon, was the bread good even though it had applesauce in it?

simon said...

Other than the new title typeface, which looks far too casual for a national newspaper, the new globe doesn't bother me. Though the masthead could use a bit of tweaking. The balance seems a bit off.

The banana bread was actually pretty good. As a matter of principle, however, I cannot endorse a loaf made with apple sauce.